A Day in the Life of a Pashionista!

By Haley Pavone

Hey Pashionistas!  

It’s been another amazing week here at Pashion Footwear, and we can’t wait to share with you what we've been up to!  

The last few weeks, Pashion Footwear hosted its “A Day in Her Shoes” campaign. During this campaign, Pashion Footwear gave women a free pair of Pashion heels for a day.  These women were asked a few preliminary questions, wore the Pashion heels for the day, recorded their experience, and then gave Pashion Footwear team members feedback and comments!  This campaign was a great way to get honest feedback on the shoes, and to give women a chance to try them out!  You can look for this campaign on social media with the hashtag #ADIHS (A Day In Her Shoes). 

Many women had questions about how to work the shoes (understandable!), but once they learned the quick and easy method of twisting the heel to both remove it and put it back on, they loved them!  One woman said "The more I did it [converted the heels], the more I got used to it… it made it really quick to switch back and forth."  Another pashionista commented that, "It [converting the heels] took me like 2 seconds.”

Pashion Footwear received many pieces of positive feedback like these, and was so happy to hear that pashionistas were loving the product!  Another woman said, “I felt fabulous… I felt like a trendsetter.”  That is exactly how Pashion Footwear wants women to feel while wearing Pashion heels: confident, positive, and like a trendsetter - because before you know it, women everywhere will be wearing the world's first convertible heels!  

We look forward to keep updating you on the progress of Pashion Footwear, and hope to see you at our campaign events in the future!